BIS Directory

Description: You've probably hear the term "Elo hell" thrown around a lot, but are you in it? Do you feel your teams hold you back from your true rank? Like if you were placed in a higher rank you'd do better? Then you are in Elo Hell. With a brand new account you can re-do placement games, and with the new provisional rankings you should be placed higher than ever! Want to play with your friends but bored of normals? Are you dominating diamond whilst they're stuck in silver? Get a smurf and dominate low elo and show your friends how to carry properly! Are you struggling to gain LP? Losing more LP from a loss than you are gaining from a win? Your MMR may be screwed and it could take a lot of games, or a long win streak to solve it. Our accounts have never touched ranked servers so their MMR is completely fresh and untouched. Go on a win streak with a fresh account and see your rank skyrocket!

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Directory News

February 5, 2015 : Directory redesigned and restarted. Database was cleaned up and from now on all approved listings will be double checked.

  • The directory has around 150 visitors per day (workdays).
  • Every month there are around 5000 submissions from which 500 are approved.
  • We do not approve poor quality websites, as a result all approved listings have good neighbors, relevant topics.

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